The cadmium testing panel checks cadmium blood and urine levels.
Test Type: Blood and urine
Test Results: Typically 4 days
The cadmium testing panel, sometimes known as an industrial cadmium screening test, cadmium urine test, cadmium toxicity test, cadmium poisoning test or a beta-2-microglobulin test, measures the cadmium urine and blood levels.
Cadmium is a metal and element with the symbol Cd. Similar to zinc and mercury, cadmium has no known biological role in humans. Cadmium was historically used in steel and zinc production but has been phased out in recent years due to its potential for toxicity in humans.
Cadmium toxicity can occur from exposure from a variety of personal and environmental sources. In humans, smoking tobacco is the leading cause of cadmium poisoning as tobacco plants readily absorb cadmium into the leaves which is passed into the body while smoking. In non-smokers, cadmium poisoning can also occur from inadvertent food (e.g. mollusks, algae and grains) and water contamination. Inhalation of dust or fumes containing cadmium can also occur from the environment from sources such as fuel combustion, phosphate fertilizer, iron and steel production and waste incineration. Cadmium toxicity can lead to cardiovascular disease through blood vessel damage. Cadmium poisoning can also cause flu-like symptoms and lung and kidney damage.
This particular cadmium testing panel is used to check for cadmium exposure in the workplace or elsewhere. This cadmium panel includes checks the beta-2-microglobulin, cadmium random urine, cadmium blood and creatinine random urine levels. To get a cadmium test near you, order online and get tested at the selected Quest Diagnostics lab. Once the cadmium lab results are ready, they will be available for electronic download. This particular cadmium lab panel is helpful in screening for industrial cadmium exposure from the workplace.
What is the cadmium test panel?
The cadmium lab test panel measures the cadmium level in the urine and blood.
Why is the cadmium urine & blood test panel important?
The cadmium test panel screens for cadmium toxicity or poisoning.
Do I need to fast to take this test?
Fasting is not necessary.
How long does it take to get test results?
It typically takes 4 business days or less.
Test Code(s): 8887
Other Test Name(s): Industrial Cadmium Screen