The STD test panel checks for common STDs in the blood and urine. This STD panel is ordered for general screening or in the setting of STD symptoms.
Test Type: Blood and urine
Test Results: Typically 4 days
This STD test panel, also known as an STI panel, STD blood test, STD urine test, and an STI lab test, checks for seven common STDs through blood and urine specimens.
STDs are also known as sexually transmitted diseases or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This STD lab testing panel consist of the chlamydia and gonorrhea test panel, hepatitis B surface antigen test and hepatitis C test, herpes 1 & 2 test, HIV 1 & 2 test, and the RPR test. This group of STI tests provides a wide range of coverage for sexually transmitted infections in the community and also covers some less common ones for added comfort. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are typically communicated via infected urine and can cause pelvic pain or pain with urination. Hepatitis B and C are viruses that can cause long-term damage to the liver. A herpes simplex virus infection can cause oral and genital lesions. HIV infections can lead to destruction of the immune system. Untreated syphilis, screened for by the RPR test, can cause a wide range of problems in places like the nervous system and the skin.
Many people order this STD testing panel when starting a new relationship. Other people get the STD blood and urine panel because of a recent possible exposure. While one situation is clearly more positive than the other, a negative STD test report can be quite helpful in bringing quick peace of mind, even if future confirmatory testing might be considered at a later date. This STD testing panel is a good choice for people who want a general screening panel.
To get a private STD test near you, just order online and get tested at the Quest Diagnostics lab you selected. Once your STD panel lab report is ready, it will be available for electronic download. As can be seen on the sample STD test panel lab results above, the individual components of the STD panel are reported next to reference ranges provided by the lab.
STDs are very common in the United States with millions of new cases reported each year (according to the CDC). STDs are a public health concern because they are easily spread through sexual activity and other activities that involve the sharing of body fluids. Because one might carry an STI and not have any symptoms, regular STD testing is recommended for sexually active people and particularly ones with multiple partners.
What is tested in the STD Test Panel?
This STD panel tests for chlamydia & gonorrhea, hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis C, herpes 1 & 2, HIV 1 & 2, and rapid plasma reagin (RPR).
Why is this STD test panel important?
This STD panel covers most of the common sexually transmitted infections communicated by sexual contact.
What type of specimen will I submit?
This STD Test Panel is a blood and urine test.
Do I need to fast to take this test?
Fasting is not necessary.
How long does it take to get test results?
It typically takes 4 business days or less.