Celiac Disease Test Panel

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Celiac Disease Test Panel


The celiac disease test panel checks blood markers related to celiac disease.

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Celiac Disease Blood Test - More Information

The celiac disease test, sometimes known as a celiac panel, celiac lab test, celiac test or celiac sprue test, checks for blood antibodies related to celiac disease. This celiac disease blood test is composed of the gliadin test, tTG IgA test and the tTG IgG test.

Celiac disease is a condition that causes inflammation and destruction of the lining of the small intestine from overstimulation of one's immune system. Celiac disease is typically triggered by exposure to gluten from wheat and barley in the diet. In susceptible people, gluten exposure causes the immune system to produce proteins called antibodies which attack the lining of the small intestine. In response, parts of the intestinal lining called the villi shorten which leads to impaired absorption. Celiac disease also has a genetic component.

Celiac disease causes direct and indirect symptoms. Direct symptoms from disruption of the intestinal lining include diarrhea (greasy, foul-smelling, pale stool), bloating, cramping and weight loss or stagnation. Indirect symptoms are related to the malabsorption of vitamins and minerals that occurs from the disease and can lead to growth retardation, anemia and bone weakness.

Getting a celiac disease test near you at a Quest Diagnostics lab can be a useful initial screening step to check for celiac disease. This particular celiac panel measures blood levels of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) IgA and IgG antibodies and gliadin IgA and IgG antibodies. As can be seen on the sample celiac disease lab results above, the individual components of the celiac disease test panel are reported as numerical values and can be compared against the reference ranges provided by the lab. The tTG IgA antibody is almost always positive in people who have celiac disease, even if on a gluten-free diet. Measuring tTG IgG antibodies in addition to gliadin antibodies is helpful as to search for celiac disease in the event that a person has a rare condition called an IgA deficiency. If lab testing comes back positive, the next step is usually an invasive procedure known as an endoscopy to biopsy the intestinal lining.

Today, the only known way to attempt to heal damage from celiac disease is by going on a gluten-free diet. A long-term commitment, celiac blood testing can be helpful as a screening method for celiac disease in people concerned about it.


What is this celiac disease test panel?

This celiac panel includes the tTG IgA and IgG antibodies and gliadin IgA and IgG antibody blood levels.


Why are these celiac disease blood test markers important?

This celiac disease test panel is a helpful screening test for celiac disease.


Do I need to fast to take this test?

Fasting is not necessary.


How long does it take to get test results?

It typically takes 4 business days or less.

Tests in this panel
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Our Celiac Disease Test Panel price includes the following:

  • A doctor's lab order*
  • 24 / 7 order processing
  • Access to 1000+ labs
  • All lab test fees
  • Secure, PDF test results
  • Responsive customer service

*Test requests are reviewed and, if appropriate, authorized by a physician.

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